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Dogsy paleta deshidratada de cerdo



La paleta deshidratada de cerdo es una deliciosa golosina para perros que combina sabor y textura irresistibles. El proceso de deshidratación resalta los sabores naturales de la carne de cerdo, ofreciendo a tu mascota una experiencia gustativa única. Esta sabrosa opción de premio es perfecta para consentir a tu perro con un snack saludable y nutritivo. La paleta deshidratada de cerdo es una elección apetitosa que seguramente satisfará los instintos naturales de tu amigo peludo.

Protein25%, to build and repair tissues, produce enzymes, and maintain healthy organs.
Fats0.5%, They also help keep the skin and coat healthy.
Carbohydrates10%, provide energy and help pets maintain healthy weight and keep good the digestive system.
Minerals20%,Help building strong bones, maintaining healthy muscles, and regulating the body's fluid balance.
Vitamins15.5%, Essential for a variety of functions in the body, including the immune system, metabolism, and growth.
Animale For Dog, Cat.

Review (02) :

  • image
    Rocky Mike ,
    06 july,2022

    I must explain to you how all this mistaken idea of denouncing pleasure and praising pain was born and I will give you a complete account.

  • image
    Rony Jhon ,
    07 july,2022

    I must explain to you how all this mistaken idea of denouncing pleasure and praising pain was born and I will give you a complete account.

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